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Structured Education in Type 2 Diabetes

Structured Education

Examined this and found that after 12 months, the odds of having stopped smoking were up to 3.5 times higher in the intervention group than the control group. Positive results were also seen in areas of physical activities and diet change. Rygg et al., in their study, “examined the experience of participants in DSME about change in diet and physical activity and the generating learning process that facilitated this change.”


Their findings revealed that participants experienced a life of more confidence, security, increased control, and well-being. The participants also experienced significant improvement in their diet and physical activity 6 months after completing the DSME program. Similar findings of improved diet were reported by X-PERT programs, and a significant increase in the frequency of physical activity was reported by Davies et al. in their RCTs. X-PERT programs also showed positive results in self-management of blood glucose (SMBG),

SMBG (Self-monitoring Blood Glucose )

although the increase in SMBG only lasted for 4 months. Results after 14 months revealed no significant difference between participants and the control group. Nevertheless, in their study, The Diabetes Equity Project (DEP) confirmed improvement in the regularity of SMBG, which lasted 12 months. SMBG and results of other activities indicated increased competence in managing their diabetes.

These education programs did not specifically measure adherence to medical treatment and care, though the positive results suggest that overall adherence improved. Van Netten et al. in their systematic review of 30 studies with 19 RCTs, revealed that DSME might have no impact in improving foot care behavior.

Diabetes is just one of the many chronic ailments prevalent in the U.S., with millions of people suffering each year and thousands newly diagnosed by the same token.

And whether you have type 1 or 2 diabetes, making healthy lifestyle choices in the form of exercise (physical and mental), diet, and mental health management are vital for keeping this life-threatening illness at bay. to see the Complete article pls

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