Blueberry fruit and leaves for Type 2 Diabetes

Blueberry for Type 2 Diabetes!
Although the proper treatment of diabetes includes continuous insulin injections to maintain blood glucose levels, there is an increasing interest in alternative approaches for treating insulin resistance and T2D. Due to the side effects and temporary use of chemical drugs, herbal and natural medicines, and chemical drugs are recommended for people with diabetes.
Blueberry and diabetes
Blueberry leaves help lower blood and urine sugar levels and increase metabolism. Studies reported that foods rich in anthocyanins and blueberries cause a lower risk of T2DM and peripheral insulin resistance index. Anthocyanin’s poAnthocyanin’sblueberries belong to the flavonoid as strong natural dark antioxidants.
Some researchers concluded that blueberries do not affect insulin resistance and glucose tolerance in obese mice and rats. Although researchers did not observe any significant changes in HOMA-IR using blueberries, they found significant changes in glucose metabolism markers such as hemoglobin A1c, retinol-binding protein 4, and resistin concentrations. Another study applied a single oral capsule of 0.47 g bilberry extract (36% w/w anthocyanins) to T2DM cases.
Blueberry-leaf extract is rich in phenols that regulate glucose homeostasis, pancreatic β-cell function, and insulin sensitivity in induced diabetic mice fed a high-fat diet. Blueberry-leaf extract (BLE) contains chlorogenic acid and flavanol glycosides rich in phenolic-enriched BLE to improve glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity. The administration of 1% blueberry-leaf extract decreases blood glucose and improves pancreatic function, induced by diabetes in mice fed high-fat. They used 1% blueberry-leaf extract to reduce glucose tolerance, body weight, plasma glucose, glycated hemoglobin, insulin, insulin resistance, triglyceride (TG), and non-esterified fatty acids. BLE reduced the pancreatic islet size and insulin content, increased the mRNA of pancreatic β-cell proliferation-related genes and pancreatic insulin signaling-related genes, and GLUT-2, and decreased the transcriptional expression of the β-cell apoptosis-related gene. BLE enhances insulin sensitivity by inhibiting TG synthesis and increasing lipid utilization in the liver and white adipose tissue. Chlorogenic acid of BLE increased β-cell proliferation and promoted insulin signaling. Phenolic compounds of BLE inhibit induced glucose tolerance and hyperglycemia by improving pancreatic β-cell function.
T2DM patients who consumed capsules containing 80 mg anthocyanins obtained from bilberry and blackcurrant twice daily for 24 weeks significantly improved HOMA-IR. Another study reached the same result by applying a single oral capsule of 0.47 g standardized bilberry extract (36% w/w anthocyanins) to the subjects with T2DM.
The milk in the blueberry smoothie did not mask the blueberries’ beneficial effects on insulin sensitivity and endothelial function. Using blueberries in the diet of obese rodents showed decreased body weight gain and lipid accumulation in tissues with increased insulin sensitivity.
Blueberry anthocyanins protected obese mice against obesity. In addition, it was reported that blueberries in the diet reduced abdominal fat and increased insulin sensitivity in obese Zucker rats. Despite no changes in body weight and fat composition, an increase in insulin sensitivity was observed after 6 weeks of blueberry consumption without changing body weight and fat composition.
Mechanism of the anti-diabetic blueberry Blueberry
There is an increasing interest in using alternative approaches for treating insulin resistance and T2D. It is confirmed that blueberries, blueberry leaves, and cinnamon improve insulin sensitivity or insulin action. Obesity is linked with macrophage infiltration into adipose tissue and the activation of the inflammatory pathway, leading to insulin resistance.
The accumulation of macrophages in the adipocytes leads to secret proinflammatory changes in the gene expression of inflammatory cytokines, which may cause an increase in insulin sensitivity. Increased insulin sensitivity, but no significant effect was observed on plasma inflammatory markers in obese Zucker rats. It was reported that blueberry anthocyanins did not improve glucose uptake in skeletal muscle. It was IIt’sconch that rats increased glucose uptake and metabolism in the skeletal muscle and retroperitoneal fat after consuming blueberries for 12 weeks.
This activation-induced upregulation of GLUT 4 and glucose uptake and utilization in these tissues without insulin. Blueberries increase glucose uptake into the skeletal muscle cells and adipocytes via an insulin-independent mechanism blueberry.
Blueberry Tea is a blend of dried blueberries (37% wt/wt), blueberry leaves, raspberry leaves, spearmint leaves, and cinnamon. Improving glycemic control is important for regulating insulin resistance T2D hypertension and cardiovascular disease (stroke, heart attack, and heart failure). The unique blueberry tea blend fully recovers insulin sensitivity in the muscles of insulin-resistant rats fed high-fat and is linked with improvements in muscle glucose uptake and insulin sensitivity of the body. Improvement in Glucose Tolerance after 4 weeks of drinking blueberry tea. Drinking blueberry tea after 4 weeks improved Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), fasting serum lipid (cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides), fasting serum proinflproinflammatorylproinflammatory, CRP, TNFa), resting blood pressure (central and brachial blood pressure).
Due to the side effects and temporary use of chemical drugs, herbal blueberry supplements, and other herbal medications are recommended for diabetes. However, more scientific studies are needed to confirm the effectiveness of blueberry supplements in treating diabetes.
Absolutely. Blueberries are one of the healthiest fruits for you, Zumpano says. Studies have shown that they help protect against aging, cancer, and damage to your DNA.” A serving of 100 grams (3/4 of a cup) provides 65 calories and 15 grams of carbohydrates.
Here are a few reasons why blueberries are such a healthy option.
Rich in antioxidants
Stress isn’t good for anyone, especially oxidative stress. This kind of stress occurs due to the presence of molecules called free radicals. Produced naturally through metabolism or because of exposure to pollution, cigarette smoke, and alcohol, free radicals don’t get along with your body. They damage cells.
Antioxidants are key to reducing the impact of oxidative stress. “Antioxidants create a barrier or a shield around the cell to help protect it from damage, “Explains. Blueberries are very high in antioxidants—specifically anthocyanins, which are also found in chokeberries and elderberries.
According to a 2004 study, a cup of cultivated blueberries (berries grown to eat) has 9,019 antioxidants. Lowbush (or wild) blueberries have 13,427 total antioxidants per cup.
Full of vitamins and minerals
Blueberries are low in calories and nutrient-dense. They’re good sources of vitamins K and manganese.
A cup of blueberries provides the following recommended daily intake of vitamins and minerals:
- Vitamin C: 24%.
- Vitamin K: 36%.
- Manganese: 25%.
- Dietary fiber: 14%.
Vitamin C boosts the immune system and fortifies other body functions, while vitamin K helps blood clot properly. Manganese can also help blood clot while promoting bone and muscle strength.
Help manage cholesterol
Blueberries are high in soluble fiber. “Oluble fiber b” ds around the bile in our guts and helps remove that bile,” “Zumpano says. “ts waste that — including cholesterol, bile acids, salts, metals, and bilirubin (a substance produced after breaking down red blood cells) — which is why removing it is so important.
“When soluble fiber binds around the bile, it helps to remove that bile, composed of cholesterol with the bbody’swwanobody’sdy’secan lead to a reduction in cholesterol, which therefore leads to it preventing or reverse reducing your risk of heart disease,” she continues. Soluble fiber can also potentially help manage blood sugar.
Blueberries are high in fiber and lower in sugar compared to other fruits, so they don’t cause sugar to spike. Scientists suspect this positive effect could aid blood sugar management for people with certain health conditions. A 2016 review of animal and human studies concluded that more human studies were warranted on the impact of blueberries on insulin resistance, which can lead to diabetes. A later 2020 study of men living with Type 2 diabetes found that eating blueberries daily lowered certain cardiometabolic health parameters, such as triglycerides.
Potentially reduces blood pressure.
A 2019 study of people living with metabolic syndrome found that eating blueberries daily had a positive impact. Although insulin resistance was unchanged, people saw a reduction in other areas. “dating blue berr” s helps reduce blood pressure in people with metabolic syndrome because it helps the body produce more nitric oxide, which relaxes your blood vessels,” “Zumpano notes.” owhowo get the most benefits from blueberries.
There are no downs to eating blueberries every day because they’re healthy. Zumpano says you’ll get benefits from fresh, uncooked organic berries. While delicious, blueberry pancakes or muffins aren’t quite healthy.
“antioxidants can” “n’t be harmed by heat,” explains. “you don’t kill, don’t, and you still have the vitamins and minerals. However, heat can affect the antioxidant content. So raw, fresh, organic blueberries are the best way.”” Suppose you do buy” “n-organic blueberries. In that case, Zumpano also recommends washing them before eating. “usually saUsuallyon-organic berriesganic in lemon juice or filtered water with baking powder,” she says, let them soak” for a couple of minutes, then drain and rinse them.” She adds that the juice” tends to make them taste better. “one of the berries gets mushy after the baking soda. I’ll likely use baking soda if it’s invisible or something with skin, like an apple, a cucumber, or carrots. However, the taste and texture of the berries are better when cleaned with filtered water and a small amount of lemon juice.
Blueberries are also versatile fruits that are suitable for meals at any time. You can enjoy them in cereal, oatmeal, smoothies, or salads. “Organic berries can be a little less expensive, “Zumpano says. You can put the “n hot oatmeal and then defrost all juices to release natural sweetness and flavor. Throw them in a smoothie or eat them frozen for a refreshing snack, which are great ways to enjoy them.