Dr Rajesh Jain (Chairperson)
Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems, such as heart disease, nerve damage, eye problems, and kidney disease. You can take steps to prevent diabetes or manage it.
There are 425 million people with diabetes in the World. There will be 629 million people with diabetes in the World in 2045. The number of people with diabetes is estimated by taking the IDF diabetes Atlas prevalence estimate and applying it to the number of people aged 20-79 estimated by the United Nations Population Division. The estimate includes both diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes.

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Glimpses of Global Diabetes Walk 2020
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About Us
Our aim is to reduce morbidity and mortality related to Non-communicable diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, Obesity, Cancer and lifestyle diseases among those least able to withstand the burden of the disease. Since 2007 we have worked in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and NCR Delhi in the area of non-communicable diseases prevention and control, training of healthcare professionals in Government and private sector- trained more than 6000 doctors and nurses till now.
from 2018, we are planning to work in area of type 1 diabetes and from age 5 years to 17 years for screening control and management of this disease targeting 100 patient in a year.
Global Diabetes Walk:
Last year We organized largest Global Diabetes Walk on 14 november, 2016 participating 75 thousand participants in 75 districts of Uttar Pradesh, this year we are targetting 4 lakhs participants in 75 districts and 822 blocks of Uttar Pradesh with our media partner Amanr Ujala & NHM with support of World Diabetes Foundation, Denmark

The MSS Mission
- We create partnerships with civil societies, NGOs and National and International Government to assist people with NCDs, diabetes and those at risk, acting as a catalyst to help others do more.
- We link people and best human resources to educate and empower globally, Specially in developing countries
- We aim to empower local communities to achieve Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs).
- We aim to achieve 17 Global Goals as set by United Nation by 2030
- We encourage innovative strategies to prevent diabetes and non communicable diseases i.e cardiovascular disease, hypertension, stroke, Obesity, Cancer and lifestyle diseases.
- We aim to achieve implementation and accessibility of Sexual and Reproductive health to Women and adolescent age group.
- We aim to achieve linking maternal health with Non Communicable Diseases in later life.